Are you struggling to feel 



Do you feel like you're empathic yet don’t know to shield yourself from outside energies?

Do you want support from someone who understands the complexity of spiritual awakening and is ready to hold your hand through yours?

Are you wondering, “What is happening in the world and why does nothing make sense?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you've made it to the perfect space.

The Aether Tribe community has been born into existence to bring clarity to many of these struggles.

If you are struggling with standing in your power, feeling depleted from the collective energy and feeling like there’s more to this human experience - then this is your space.
Here in Aether, everyone is welcome.
This is your safe space to unfold and unwind, to be witnessed for all of your divinity
This is where you get to remember who the F^(k you are
This is where you get to find kindred souls on similar paths.
This is where love flows in all spaces.
One Month Free in The Aether Tribe!

What do you get in

                The Aether



Monthly meditations or clearings to assist you in calling your power back, commanding sovereignty and more.

live group healing

Be a part of a group healing every month that is Live with Brittany Renee.

discounts & VIP access

Discounts and VIP access to new products; first to hear about events and seminars; and more!

If you’ve been resonating with all of these pieces, what are you waiting for babes?!

The Aether Tribe is ready to welcome you with open arms! We are ready to celebrate you and help you remember how fu(ki$g powerful you are.

Join Now for 1 month free!


About The Founder


Brittany holds over a decade of personal development work through mentorship and study of spiritual awakening. This personal work ushers in precision to shift perspective and guidance into deeper growth for Brittany’s clients.

Amongst her personal study and work Brittany is also Certified as an Intuitive Energy Coach, Reiki 2 Certified and a Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner.

Brittany prides herself in being the soft hands that hold her clients through their own shadow work and process of awakening and growth. She is constantly striking remembrance within her clients, reminding them of their incredible sovereign power of self.

Throughout her experience with her own life and clients she has realized how deeply meditations, clearings and daily container settings have helped remain in her power, even during the ebbs of growth. She wants to help as many people find flow in their life as possible, and thus her mission is to help spread these tools as far and wide as possible.

The Aether Tribe, formally The Haven, is curated to do exactly this!

Still not sure? Here's the word on the street:

Join us in

The Aether Tribe!

 This is your safe space.

Join Now for 1 month free!